daily coffee on the porch

daily coffee on the porch

350 days and counting

"Coffee on the Porch with Don Vappie” - a daily FACEBOOK live broadcast approaching the 1 year anniversary of entertaining conversation on a variety of subjects. Join Vappie and his global audience of fans every morning as he shares his porch and has coffee and stimulating conversation.

Songs at 3pm

Songs at 3pm

“Afternoon Songs with Don Vappie” - an entertaining solo concert everyday at 3pm with Vappie playing and singing on FACEBOOK LIVE from his home studio or wherever he is at the moment.

Upcoming Gigs


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

July 20, 2020

Aliquam commodo, ipsum ac dapibus commodo, tellus nisi auctor nibh, nec aliquet eros metus eget ex. Maecenas vulputate, ipsum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

July 20, 2020

Aliquam commodo, ipsum ac dapibus commodo, tellus nisi auctor nibh, nec aliquet eros metus eget ex. Maecenas vulputate, ipsum.